At WVFC, we believe that Life Groups are a key part of growing and maturing in Christ. Christian community should be a part of every believers life.

A new life group meeting quarter begins in the week of 4/14 and go through 6/8.
Check out the list of life groups and pick the one that’s right for you!

You don’t have to (and shouldn’t) do life alone!


Our life group sessions happen three times a year. Our ten week quarters are:

  •  Fall (Sep-Nov)

  • Winter (Jan-March)

  • Spring (April-June)

    We take summers off to rest, recharge, and enjoy time with family. Our groups are organized by season of life (which you’ll see in the title). However, our groups are not exclusive, if you find a group you love… Stay with them and build authentic relationships (that’s our goal for life groups around here).

    Life groups support each other and are there in times of need and times of celebration. God’s plan is community. Click below to find the right group for you.